On Mar 29, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Ray Van Dolson wrote:
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 06:07:46PM +0100, nux@li.nux.ro wrote:
I need to have several EL machines in an AD env. Joining the machines was easier than expected using authconfig, but what happens now is that blahdomain\blahuser gets assigned a different, random ID each time I use a different station. In AD I did specify the UID and GID in the UNIX Attributes tab for blahuser, but it gets totally ignored; so do the other values (for home, shell etc).
Ideally I'd have all the users assigned a static uid and gid from AD and have /home on all machines mounted from NFS; but right now if I log in with blahuser to another machine my $HOME is owned by another random id.
Sugesstions? What am I missing? I'm quite a noob with Windows :)
You might try taking a look at idmap_ad(8) (and the other idmap_* man pages as well).
I'm not sure which idmap backend gets used by default (RID?). I did think idmap_rid would result in consistent UID/GID mappings based on the SID assuming you choose the same ranges on each server...
If you use something like Centrify Express or Likewise Open, the UID/GIDs are calculated the same way every time on every system that uses the software so it makes, IMO, setup & management a lot easier.