On 05/03/2013 06:05 PM, Rob Townley wrote:
Michael, very frustrating that so much noise for a very simple request. I set up multi source routing in 5.3 or so and was astounded at all the negativity on this list and that it could not be done. It will take forever to read the noise in this thread alone. Some said you have to use DHCP.... i could go on.
Do not trust that ping -I will work how you would think. Must specify an IP address, not eth0, not eth1. ping -I
Yup. Sans the obfuscated IP address, that's exactly what I tested.
This really is just a few lines per interface.
Learn by changing the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-route shell scripts to add logging. echo out variables.
I tried adding "set -x" to them. :)
There is no need to get iptables involved at all unless doing something very special.
i did not want to setup quagga or some form of dynamic routing deamon because of security concerns. i wanted static IP addresses communicating to the ISP on static routes. It is pretty simple. Maybe i can hook up my laptop to 3G and WiFi and Cat6 and make sure i get it working. Please remember to use IP addresses, not names for ping testing. Scrutinize ping results.
ping -I
Yeah, I don't see a use for quagga at this time.