On Tue, 16 Aug 2005, Craig White wrote:
However, I'm rather tired of the continual pressure applied by them to "upgrade" to the next "level". I'd like a stable platform which doesn't shift around underneath my development. I'm more interested in Linux as a tool, than as an object of interest in and of itself. I'm more interested in using it than in getting it to work.
That would be CentOS, IMHO. I went through this this weekend. I tried Fedora Core 4, Ubuntu, etc. on a new laptop I bought for doing development out and about.
That is the stated agenda for Fedora. Still, for my desktop, I am running Fedora...but not for servers.
Yeah, I just can't do Fedora. Partly because of the upgrade cycle, and partly because of stability issues, beta software, etc. I tried it this weekend. I even tried Ubuntu (which is better IMHO), but eventually my laptop got slapped with CentOS and... what do you know... CentOS is a fine laptop OS as long as you don't need stuff like hibernation.