Hi, Thanks for the reply. I already checked the the current user logged in the freenx by using "nxserver --list", it's only the root (the one I currently using). And yeah, I'm stuck in this screen : http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/EonStrife/stuck.jpg I wonder, just say if we don't use the remote desktop, but we access or use the computer directly/physically as usual, what do we do if we're stuck on that screen ?
About the log of the nomachine, I think the most interesting part is the bottomost part. Note, there are many occurences of "NXFileMonitor::readData", and some 'stop' and 'destructor' words in the end, even though the nomachine is still running.
=== [Wed 21. May 09:48:18 2008]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HANDLEPROXY' to '28077c' [Wed 21. May 09:48:18 2008]: NXService::getWin32DisplayHandler: NX_HANDLEPROXY=28077c [Wed 21. May 09:48:18 2008]: NXService::getWin32DisplayHandler: end [Wed 21. May 09:48:18 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:19 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:20 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: NXFileMonitor::readData [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: Agent found closing windows... [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: Slotsingleapplication: setting automatic reconnect to true. [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: Settings::flush [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: Settings::flush [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: closeEvent received! [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog::destructor called begin [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient' -> 'C:\Users\Eon Strife/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg' [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: Settings::flush [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: Called destructor for protocol class [Wed 21. May 09:48:21 2008]: LoginDialog::destructor called end ===
Eon Strife wrote:
Hi, I have a remote frontend (it's kept in the room which I don't have access) which is installed with CentOS 4 and Rocks . So, to use the desktop(Gnome) of the frontend I use the freenx + nomachine following the guide in http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?forum=20&topic_id=1640.... It worked. Then, I intended to add user, but I couldn't create the home folder in /home/ for the new user. After browsing, I found that somebody mentioned it's because of the automounter/autofs. So, I played around, enabled and disabled the autofs, and yes, I could create the home folder for the new user. The problem is that, when I tried to log-in to the front end using nomachine (using root) again, I could only get as far as the splash screen of the CentOS. I tried to connect using the putty (terminal), and I could interact (issuing command to the terminal), but I couldn't use the Gnome anymore. So, why in the nomachine I could not pass the splash screen anymore ? Any solution ? Thanks.
Although I can not answer your question directly, did you see anything logged on the system that you are connecting to via the nomachine client?
Also, the Nomachine client provides some logging of its own as well. You may want to check for any error or permissions related information in the client's directory. That may point you in the right direction.
Alex White