On 2009-06-10 10:08, James Bensley wrote:
Hey list,
I have several crontabs set up to run at night and I'm not convinced
they are running but of course, I'm not here to see for sure!
The crontabs are like the following example;
30 20 * * * sh /home/a_user/nightlyscrips/nightly_script_1 >
/home/a_user/nightlyscripts/`date +%d-%m-%Y--%H-%M-%S`.log
Somewhere deeply hidden in "man 5 crontab", there is the paragraph:
The "sixth" field [...] Percent-signs (%) in the command, unless escaped
with backslash (), will be changed into newline characters, and
all data after the first % will be sent to the command as
standard input.
Paul Bijnens, Xplanation Technology Services Tel +32 16 397.525
Interleuvenlaan 86, B-3001 Leuven, BELGIUM Fax +32 16 397.552
* I think I've got the hang of it now: exit, ^D, ^C, ^, ^Z, ^Q, ^^, *
* quit, ZZ, :q, :q!, M-Z, ^X^C, logoff, logout, close, bye, /bye, ~., *
* stop, end, ^]c, +++ ATH, disconnect, halt, abort, hangup, KJOB, *
* ^X^X, :D::D, kill -9 1, kill -1 $$, shutdown, init 0, Alt-F4, *
* Alt-f-e, Ctrl-Alt-Del, Alt-SysRq-reisub, Stop-A, AltGr-NumLock, ... *
* ... "Are you sure?" ... YES ... Phew ... I'm out *