Timothy Murphy <gayleard@...> writes:
Does anyone have experience of drupal installation under CentoOS-5.3 with MySQL database preferably accessed through phpMyAdmin.
I want to install drupal more or less as an experiment, and I'm looking for a 1- or 2-page document that just lists precisely what steps to take.
I've had a quick look at the official installation instructions, and I found them confusing and contradictory.
I installed Drupal 6 a while ago since I wanted something more powerful that WordPress. I captured my experience in a series of postings at:
Yes, you probably want to have a separate database user for Drupal. I don't think it's a requirement; just good practice.
I found the book "Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal 6" by David Mercer to be very helpful.
Cheers, Dave