On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 08:07, janezkosmr janezkosmr@volja.net wrote:
I encountered an interesting problem. We have a Java application on a samba server. The folder is then shared to the clients via a samba
When a developer copies a new jar to the folder which is shared via samba. And if this copying is done by scp strange things start happening. After a few clicks the application stops working returning NoClassDeffFound, even if the file is there and readable. After that it
I believe the problem is that you are rewriting the file on the server (with "scp") while it is open on the clients (using NFS? or mounted CIFS?). As the clients have the file open they will have parts of it cached, and those parts will be updated on the server but the cache will persist on the client for sometimes quite a long time, or until you unmount the network filesystem, which it seems is what you are currently doing to fix the issue.
I would suggest that you change the procedure to update the .jar file.
<snip> You're on linux. I'd agree with changing the procedure, but to scp <filename.datetimestamp> ln -s <filename.datetimestamp> <filename>