I installed CentOS 5 on a server today (wiping clean the drive which had 4.4 on it). During installation I picked the correct timezone, location and all. Yet, upon booting the machine, it seems to think that it's 6 hours earlier than it really is.
The BIOS has the correct time and date on it.
/etc/locatime was originally what /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Denver would've been. I removed it and symlinked it instead thinking it might change things - it didn't.
Right now, 'date' tells me:
[1] 13:21:12 <root@bigbertha:~> date Sat Apr 14 13:21:13 MDT 2007
But it's actually 19:21...
So, uh, what's going on? Why is the time so off? Under CentOS 4, the time was just fine. Something happened in 5.