usually a disk failure when that happens out of the blue. try writing to /dev/shm/ if you have to save a file. (That's a virtual fs in memory, so be advised it will disappear on reboot.) check dmesg for errors.
On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Wes James wrote:
I have installed emacs with yum and now I'm trying to create a .emacs file and put some commands in it, but I can't type anything in the emacs buffer. It says the buffer is read-only. I exited emacs and did touch .emacs and I get a message that it can't do that on a read-only file system. I googled around to see why this might be, but I can't see any links on this. Any tips why this might be doing this? I've heard that centos is strict on changes, but I don't know the extent it restricts changes. I followed a page where I did echo 0 >/selinux/enforce . But this is only good until reboot. But shouldn't I be now able to make changes in ~*
-wes _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list