On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 02:09:25PM +0000, duffmckagan enlightened us:
On Aug 12, 2005, at 9:44 AM, David Evennou wrote:
OK, thanks!
Yes, I would like the information to get Windows XP running after installing GRUB on the MBR.
Add these lines to your /etc/grub.conf
title Windows XP rootnoverify (hd0,1) chainloader +1
making sure to substitute the right partition name for (hd0,1)
Doing this alone won't help, as the Cent OS kernel doesn't have support for NTFS File System. (Which Windows XP Uses by default)
I think following the instructions in my previous post should help.
This is misinformation. The kernel only needs to know about filesystems it uses. At boot time, the kernel isn't even loaded, so in order to *boot* an NTFS, all you need to do is add the above to your grub.conf. If you want to access your NTFS partition from Linux, then yes, your kernel will need NTFS support.