Am Do, den 14.04.2005 schrieb Jonathan um 23:25:
You took the words out of my mouth on SELinux. Never have we had more problems getting stuff working in any linux distro than we have with CentOS 4 with SELinux on.
Jonathan, I didn't want to say Joe would or should disable SELinux. My intention was just to remark that SELinux interferes with Apache content. I.e. having the wrong context set will prevent Apache from delivering the pages. You will then see avc / audit messages in the syslog (messages file). There is some documentation (RHEL 4 documentation, Fedora Core docs) about SELinux and how to handle it. SELinux is a great tool for security improvement. No surprise that you have to adjust things which are not part of the distribution to work with the security limitations. Said that, it is not trivial.