Sorry for the late reply, I had to go away.
It's where tracker extracts files.
Google for "centos7 tracker disable"
I suspect the lu*.tmp directories are from when tracker uses LO to extract and index documents.
If you don't use, or want to use, tracker, then disable tracker.
Hmm. was unaware of tracker-etc. what are these indexes used for? I can't think of anything I do on the system that would need to know all bout some arbitrary file somewhere on the filesysystem, so why would this be useful?
thanks in advance!
A more interesting question would be: Where would one go to completely STOP these files from being created / cached / logged / stored etc?
Well, the answer I gave above is relevant:
'Google for "centos7 tracker disable"'
Primarily you install the 'tracker-preferences' package via yum and use that to configure what tracker does.
But in all honesty I've never found tracker to be intrusive after the initial scan.