Always Learning wrote:
On Sat, 2011-07-16 at 13:25 +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
But, sadly google can't teach someone to start making their own choices or to think for themselves
Learning Linux/Centos on one's own, and without good text books, is a very daunting task even for those with over 40 years computer programming experience. I describe it as a steep learning curve but, as usual, I succeeded. Others may be confused and lack the background knowledge to put 'strange' things in context or to make sense of what seems illogical.
That was not directed to people wanting to learn something, but to the drones wanting everything "chewed up". Asking specific question was never a problem to respond to and educate for the most people.
I don't think I have been on a forums or mailing list that refused to point someone in the right direction. "Give a man a fish, you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish, and you have fed him for a lifetime" most people use as a moto. But there are always those who want it all served on the silver platter.