jim@rossberry.com wrote:
On Tue, 2 Jun 2009, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Radu-Cristian FOTESCU wrote:
AFAIK, this never happened. Is the 5.x.z tree concept dead-before-birth?!
For CentOS: Yes.
For Upstream: Ask Red Hat.
I have asked RHT repeatedly to walk me through the life of a package version. Nothing.
AFAIK the "z stream" does not come with your normal RHN subscription. But I don't use RHEL, so I have no idea what it takes to get the .z stuff.
One of the reasons CentOS chose not to do it (other reasons are: No SRPMS on public mirrors, too much mirror space would be neede).
On the other hand I am not really sure I understand your sentence.