On Sat, Jan 7, 2012 at 11:31 AM, Lucian lucian@lastdot.org wrote:
Right now, at least with Windows vms, rdesktop is a way better way of accessing the vm - it's fast, it let's you share directories, clipboard sharing, sound etc. Spice will probably catch up with it fast though, I hope. Also I have noticed spice works better when there is additional software installed (sort of like vbox additions); in Centox you have spice-vdagent or something like that, but for Windows you need to build the driver yourself[1]. But we need to keep in mind that rdesktop and spice are not really in the same category. With spice you access the host machine, while with rdesktop you access the virtual machine directly. Spice wants to compete with vmware view and citrix xendesktop.
Different setup, but might have the same answer: I'm trying to use a VMware ESXi box to hold an assortment of images that could be fired up quickly as backups of working machines. One of them happens to be a windows box that needs audio for some alarms, but the host hardware doesn't have an audio device and one doesn't appear in the guest - and the win 2003 server terminal services doesn't seem to transport it for remote access like the desktop versions anyway. We do have a solution in that the ESXi console client can connect generic USB devices to the remote VM so attaching a USB audio device works. But, is there a better way to do remote audio in general, and specifically for a windows guest that doesn't see a real audio device?