On 02/07/2014 01:53 AM, Nicole Hähnel wrote:
I'm trying to build several SCL perl516 modules for using assp spamfilter. Some modules have dependencies which spend a lot of errors or can not be build on a x86_64 system. perl-Email-Valid-0.184 for example needs Win32::IPHelper and Win32::TieRegistry. If I build this rpm for standard perl510, the Win32 modules are not required. Why are theses dependencies only for perl516? Can I exclude the Win32 modules without getting problems?
Does anyone have a few tips?
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards, Nicole
I don't know where you are trying to get the SRPMs for your modules from ... but I think I would try by going to Fedora19 os and updates here:
and here:
and pick the newest of those to begin with ... then convert the SPEC file to an SCL as necessary .. based on looking at the modules that are already SCLs and this link:
There are also some tools here: