On 10/07/2016 01:44 AM, Ned Slider wrote:
On 06/10/16 22:50, Alice Wonder wrote:
An rpm intended for a bleeding edge Fedora builds perfectly for me when I comment two macros apparently not in CentOS 7 -
Looks like they operate similar to %post and %postun but are different.
Is a simple way to do what they do in CentOS 7 or do I have to change the packaging logic to build in CentOS 7 and have things work properly?
These are file triggers, they trigger scripts to run when specific files are added or removed from the system when packages are (un)installed. See here:
Whilst RHEL's version of RPM doesn't support file triggers, it does support package triggers, so maybe you could devise a workaround with those:
Okay it looks like what is happening is the triggers are used when plugins are installed, and the CentOS 7 way is to run those triggers in the post/pre scriptlets of the packages that have the plugins.
Probably better to have the file trigger conceptually, less chance for scriptlet bugs, but CentOS 8 will come soon enough I suppose ;)