OK guys and gals ... can we please stop all the fighting?
When technical questions are asked, they should be answered. I lot of people on this list have something that a lot of newbies need ... experience.
So answering a question with "RTFM" or "JFGI" is not going to impart any of your experience ... which is one of the things they need and want.
Also ... if someone attacks you, you should not respond in kind, but should try not to flame or bait people.
It take more than one person to get these things going, and just a little restraint on both people's parts could prevent problems.
Can everyone who is a member of this list please read this document:
Especially the section "I've been insulted! How should I respond?"
Please, please, please ... can we be civil and not attack people personally.
There is a forum at http://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/
It would be very good if people would post questions and answers there as well.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes