Feizhou wrote:
right, sorry, i have not actually used milter myself so I was not aware that it was not limited to content filtering. In any case, this shows one shortcoming of sendmail. sendmail processes each the helo, sender, recipient and client ip/rdns in separate rulesets and you cannot create (at least I have not managed it yet) any rulesets that can make decisions based on two or more of these and so you need to run a perl program via milter to deal with these or perhaps in your case, you need it to lookup a mysql table for the recipient. You call this efficient?
I don't have anything in particular against Postfix and Sendmail. I'm not advocating using Postfix over Sendmail here. I'm not advocating using Sendmail over Postfix either. Frankly, couldn't care less what MTA you are using or advocating. Just feeling a bit educational.
I'm using a custom ruleset in Local_check_rcpt that checks the sender part for some heavily locked down accounts. Among other things, it checks if local recipient is allowed to receive mail from particular sender (for inbound mail), and if the local sender is allowed to send to particular recipient (for outbound mail). Obviously, that ruleset is making decions based on both sender and recipient. If you'll need it in the future, sender's address is stored in $f macro, as nicely documented in Sendmail documentation (Sendmail Installation and Operation Guide). There's also bunch of other macros you can use throughout your rulesets. So you see, it is possible, well documented, and simple.
If you are using Milter interface to implement something like above in an external filter (say it is C program), you'd simply use Milter API to store information between callback function calls. You do not need to store data anywhere externally (like in database, or in files, or whatever). In the above (simple) example, in callback function for mail command you'd allocate some memory for a structure to hold your data (for example, sender's adress and whatever else you want to keep track of), and use smfi_setpriv() to let Milter API know you want to keep track of that data for this particular connection. In callback function for rcpt command, you'd use smfi_getpriv(), which would return you a pointer to your data (sender's address and whatever else you are keeping track of between callback function calls). Note that smfi_setpriv() and smfi_getpriv() do not move or copy or store the data anywhere. The data stays where it was, in the memory. Those two functions accept and return the pointer to the location in memory (that your program allocated). You'd also register a callback to a cleanup function, which would be called at the end of transaction or connection (depending what callback you register) to free up the allocated memory (and/or any other resources you allocated/used).
It is done this way since filters in Sendmail are multithreaded. There is only one instance of filter running. It's kind of more complicated to code multithreaded program, but on the other hand it is more efficient than having single filter process running for each current transaction (on busy email server you can have dozens or even hundreds of transactions running in parallel). It is very efficient, and very well designed filtering API for email transactions, and it would be really great to see this API implemented in Postfix too. I just hope it will be exactly the same API as in Sendmail so that all existing Sendmail filters can be used in Postfix, and that all future Postfix filters could be used in Sendmail.
If you are using MIMEDefang, you don't even need to bother with all that. MIMEDefang is doing all that behind the scenes for you. Your filter_recipient function will get the sender's address in second argument (as well as bunch of other info from previous stages in the remaining arguments).
I will concede that sendmail does a good job for what it is designed to do (read no virtual mailboxes and only supporting system account mbox format mailboxes).
Reading the above, one would conclude that you can't have Sendmail and Cyrus on the same box. Cyrus does not store mail in mbox format. Cyrus does not use system user accounts (all users are virtual, as far as Cyrus is concerned). But somehow, Sendmail just works with Cyrus.
Thing is. Sendmail doesn't know about mailboxes. Period. Sendmail will never attempt to write a mail into a mailbox. That's the job of local delivery agent (mailer). You tell sendmail (M lines in sendmail.cf file) how to talk with the mailer. Mailer will than write the email into the mailbox. Sendmail doesn't care if there is corresponding system account for that mailbox, or what format the mailbox is.
The only way to get Sendmail to write email directly into the file on the disk (note that I wrote "file on the disk", not "mailbox") is using aliases file or dot forward file in user's home directory (if there are system accounts on the mail server). But this is not considered to be delivery into mailbox. It's just "append this to that file" quick and dirty feature, and yes, you are doomed to mbox format if you are lazy enough to actually use it.
Of course, if there are system accounts, there's a feature or two extra that Sendmail will offer (like dot forward file). But you do not need to have system accounts on the mail server for Sendmail to work.