On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Frank Cox theatre@sasktel.net wrote:
I have a Centos 5.4 machine that has, for the past two weeks, apparently been shut off over the weekend. It's just sitting there turned off on Monday morning and when someone hits the power switch it comes right back on and everything works again.
This happened last weekend, and again over this past weekend.
Here is /var/log/messages from shortly before it apparently shut down this weekend. Can anyone tell me what is or might be going on?
Apr 10 12:43:59 answeringmachine kernel: Kernel logging (proc) stopped. Apr 10 12:43:59 answeringmachine kernel: Kernel log daemon terminating. Apr 10 12:44:00 answeringmachine exiting on signal 15 --
I've seen this on some HP Blades that I administer. I ended up disabling the pcsd daemon. It might have been related to a dynamically attached optical device that was moved from blade to blade, but I didn't spend much time troubleshooting. Since disabling pcsd a few months ago it has been solid.