we are using centos 7 as an nfs-server.
Chown / chmod on all linux clients (RH5,6, Ubuntu 14.04) don't get any errors from unallowed chown/chmod commands. Return-code is 0.
e.g. ls -al test.txt -rwxrwxr-x 1 sanderso users 0 26. Jan 15:09 test.txt chown otheruser test.txt echo $? 0 ls -al test.txt -rwxrwxr-x 1 sanderso users 0 26. Jan 15:09 test.txt
last posting here describes the error. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:I-sxKzLVbMQJ:https://bu...
Can anybody help with that? I don't find much information regarding this topic and can't believe. Are there so few people who still use nfs services?