On 07/30/2013 11:39 AM, Patrick wrote:
I've had nothing but trouble with BSD/Linux over the past year or so.
I've been on Centos 6.4 for about a half day now and I am loving it.
I am just wondering though, how does a 7 year support cycle work?
I see that there is libreoffice which is kinda new. Is this because open office is under oracle's influence?
I am on gnome 2 right now, will I wake up one day in the next 7 years to gnome 3 ? I really don't want to. Will I just have gnome 2 + bug fixes?
If so how does the community do this if the gnome people drop support for gnome 2.
What is released now will be supported (with security updates and some enhancements) until the dates here:
So, if you like CentOS-6.x, you can use it until 2020 and CentOS-5.x until 2017.