On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 23:14 +0000, Didi wrote:
On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Geert Batsleer batsleer@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all!
I'm trying to install FOG (an opensource ghostlike backup/rollout server) on a centos 5 box but at the end of the isntaller script it can't find chckconfig altough it's in /sbn and I run the (redhat specific install) script as root.
How can I make sure chckconfig gets found? Tried adding the full path in the script to /sbin/chckconfig but got the same error.
Regards, Geert
- Checking package: perl...OK
- Checking package: perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5...OK
- Checking package: lftp...OK
Configuring services.
- Setting up fog user...Exists
- Setting up and starting MySql../lib/redhat/functions.sh: line 440:
chkconfig: command not found ...Failed!
$ export PATH=/sbin:$PATH
before running the script
Since he ran as root, /sbin (OP: note the correct spelling) s/b part of his path already. If that's the case, the above export will just duplicate the entry (no real harm done though).
From what is shown in the snippet of results, I would _guess_ that some
function or sub-shell has modified the path or is looking for an application-specific chkconfig? Add a "set -x" just ahead of the command to get a verbose output. Maybe that will give a clue. Also, a "set" or "export" command with no arguments will show the environment.
Keep an eye out for anything that modifies the path.
<snip sig stuff>