On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 23:09 -0400, Chris Mauritz wrote:
Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Do, den 30.06.2005 schrieb Craig White um 4:57:
I have installed IMP on CentOS-4 and on CentOS-3 and RHEL-3 and there didn't seem to be much of a difference.
The difference and probably the problem (at least the most work) is the big change between Horde 2 / IMP 3 to Horde 3 / IMP 4. Configuration changed a lot, so some comparison is needed to convert settings.
Has Horde gotten any easier to install? I haven't fooled around with it in 2-3 years and remember having to wrestle with it to install on a RH 7.3 box. I'm always a bit shy about installing programs that have this huge underlying "framework" dependency to deal with in order to make it work. I do like the imp interface though.
---- I think that it has gotten somewhat easier to install. Horde 3 now has a web based administration module. You have to keep in mind that it is ambitious and considering that it traverses many daemons (an SQL db, apache, imap) and uses some sophisticated php (requiring some pear modules), etc. it isn't ever going to be a simple install. A good administrator should be able to make it work in 2 hours. I consider 4-5 hours for install, customization/editing preferences to be standard for install but for that, you now get webmail, shared contacts, shared calendars, nice interface to sieve/procmail, and shared task lists.