I have a lab computer I am using to test kvm. It was difficult to install with NetworkManager running. After I turned nm off I got the bridge to work and to stay in place. NetworkManager kept chaning things.
I have several things I would like to learn and to tweak with KVM and virtal machines.
The first small tweak is how to turn on the keypad on a keyboard. I have tried two logitech keyboards and both fail to allow the use of the keypad on the guest. On the host it works fine. I have a nvidia card in place with kmod-nvidia installed; the numeric keypad failed before and after kmod-nvidia was installed.
Any ideas, or this a bug???
Greg Ennis _______________________________________________
I did find a BUG :
However, after doing some additional testing, my problem with the numeric keypad appears to be related to gnome3, because the keypad did not work on the host machine when the desktop was active with gnome3.
Fortunately, when I used kde on the desktop of the host machine, I could use gnome3 on the guest machine and and the numeric keypad works.
Therefore this seems to be a gnome3 problem, and when gnome3 is used on the host machine this problem is also transmitted to the guests.
Greg Ennis