Ok, downloading the BackupPC RPM directly did not work to myriad dependencies and sub-dependencies.
How do I add the Test repository to my yum config, please?
On 7/31/08, Aleksey Tsalolikhin atsaloli.tech@gmail.com wrote:
Hi. I just installed CentOS for the first time, to make a BackupPC server.
However, when I try to install BackupPC using yum, I get the error:
No package backuppc available.
I searched the Testing, Extras and CentOS Plus repositories, and found a BackupPC package only in Testing, at
http://dev.centos.org/centos/5/testing/x86_64/RPMS/backuppc-3.1.0-1.el5.cent... which I downloaded directly.
Just posting this in case somebody else has a similar issue.
Best, Aleksey