On 11-02-23 09:49 AM, Trutwin, Joshua wrote:

Hello all,


I'm looking to setup a new CentOS box for a buddy of mine who
wants to do hosting on a server via CoLo, Years ago I whipped up a CP of my
own on a Debian box he colo’d running a basterdized qmail/tinydns and custom
built httpd/mysql/etc (I was young).  It worked ok but time to move on and I
don't have time to maintain all those packages.  I also don't have
time to write another CP or port my PoS to it.  I’m also just going to use the

default  packages (bind, postfix, etc) instead of the DJB stuff.

I recently ran across DTC (gplhost.com). It seems to have all the major bells and whistles, but I have not made it far enough down the "Back Burner Todo List" to actually check it out myself yet.
Originally, I heard about it on FLOSS Weekly on the Twit Network: http://twit.tv/floss144