On Wed, January 17, 2007 5:44 pm, R Lists06 wrote:
Greetings :-)
On this particular production centos 4 mail server system if I
rpm -qa | grep perl
I get...
perl-Filter-1.30-6 newt-perl-1.08-7 perl-DateManip-5.42a-3 perl-libwww-perl-5.79-5 perl-XML-Encoding-1.01-26 perl-Time-HiRes-1.55-3 perl-URI-1.30-4 mod_perl-1.99_16-4.centos4 perl-HTML-Tagset-3.03-30 perl-Parse-Yapp-1.05-32 perl-XML-Parser-2.34-5 perl-XML-Dumper-0.71-2 perl-libxml-enno-1.02-31 perl-Digest-SHA1-2.07-5 perl-Net-DNS-0.48-1 <------------- **** perl-DBI-1.40-8 perl-HTML-Parser-3.35-6 perl-libxml-perl-0.07-30 perl-Digest-HMAC-1.01-13 perl-5.8.5-36.RHEL4
right now I am focusing on perl-Net-DNS-0.48-1
and I want to figure out how to migrate to the latest version of Net::DNS on the
website or learn if .59 has been rolled into the upstream and therefore to centos 4 or ???
i ask this as I am leary of upgrading production centos servers via CPAN
I am looking to list wisdom to get some direction to help solve this one first please.
I have researched the basics yet if I may please get a little help to continue going in the right direction I would be most grateful.
I am sure I will want to add or upgrade some of the others as well.
Ummm much of this is in relation to Spamassassin 3.1.7 issues
Please chime in on creating a new RPM or using CPAN and any other ways that you folks are dealing with this pleasae?
Thank you and kind regards
- rh
-- Robert - Abba Communications Computer & Internet Services (509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net
type "perl -MCPAN -e shell" Select no for manual configuration type "install Net::DNS"
Net-DNS-0.59 is the version that is available via this method.