On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 02:27:51PM -0500, Joseph.Sikes@cox.com wrote:
I'm getting the error below when I try to do a yum update on my server. It seems that it is looking for an update for my boot loader - syslinux-3.62-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm, but can't find it via the normal path. I've tried looking further up the directory tree on apt.sw.be/redhat/el4/en. I've found a place to download it from. [ http://www.icewalkers.com/Linux/Software/51700/syslinux.html ]
Any info or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!
We're seeing this too, across multiple mirrors, include apt.sw.be. It looks like maybe the metadata has got ahead of the packages. Affected packages include at least:
- syslinux - perl-Curses - perl-DateTime - perl-HTML-Tagset
Cheers, Gavin