----- Original Message -----
From: "Manish Kathuria" <mkathuria@tuxtechnologies.co.in>
To: centos@centos.org
Sent: Monday, December 3, 2007 2:49:32 PM (GMT+1000) Australia/Brisbane
Subject: [CentOS] x86_64 versus i386


On the Intel Core 2 Duo processor based systems, we have the option of
installing either x86_64 or the i386 distribution. I would like to
know your experiences with the x86_64 port. How does it compare with
the i386 distribution in terms of stability, reliability and
performance ? How significant are the performance benefits gained by
using the x86_64 linux instead of i386 on the same system ? Keeping in
mind a production environment, which port of CentOS do you recommend
for a Core 2 Duo based server ? It would be great to have your


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For me it comes down to 2 things;

1) what are you going to use the server for ?

2) how much ram do you have ?

If these answers include database, webserver and/or > 4gb of RAM then I'd definately go 64bit. From what I've seen these are the main areas where 64bit will benefit you.

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