On Monday, November 29, 2010 11:02:59 pm cpolish@surewest.net wrote:
Your enthusiasm for SELinux seems tied conceptually to a workstation running the set of applications that come with the distribution. Nothing wrong with that.
I have used a Linux as my primary desktop for 13 years; so, yeah, I do sometimes have a desktop slant. I've run Linux servers for that same amount of time; I've seen hacks succeed, and recently I've seen hacks fail thanks to SELinux.
I bring out desktop scenarios simply to bring that out in a sea of server-centric discussions; do that will by default give the sense that I'm desktop-slanted, when I run both, but have quicker desktop paradigms since I use my desktop in more 'critical' ways than I use my servers (things like online banking on the desktop, where data theft is the critical issue). Now my servers are mission-critical for sure; but data theft there wouldn't be quite as directly impacting as data theft on my laptop would be.
Of course, my desktops are Fedora rather than CentOS; although I might switch one to CentOS 6 early next year.