Kai Schaetzl wrote:
Karanbir Singh wrote on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 09:51:54 +0100:
what did VC#3,4,5 haveto say about why it failed ?
I already provided this information by myself very early on in a reply to John.
oops, sorry - missed it. That email seems to have not made it to my mailbox :/ I just looked through the thread and cant find it.
In the meantime I was able to install.
overlooked that it gave a cdrom as the installation source. There is no cd rom and that error message about manually choosing a driver and presenting all those storage drivers was misleading me to believe it was looking for the RAID driver while it actually was looking for a driver that would help it find the CD.
ouch. I've never seen that myself.
Is there really no clear information on the anaconda screen that indicates its looking for a SOURCE to install from rather than a TARGET to install to ?