Lamar Owen wrote:
On 04/28/2016 08:45 AM, Sergio Belkin wrote:
I've found some issues upgrading mysql, some people recommends run mysql_upgrade. I wonder why such a script is not run from scriptlet of mysql-server rpm.
Back in the Dark Ages of the PostgreSQL RPMset (PostgreSQL 6.5), early in my time as RPM maintainer for the community RPMset, I asked a very similar question of some folks, and I got a canonical answer from Mr. RPM himself, Jeff Johnson.
The answer is not very complex, but it was spread across a several message private e-mail thread. The gist of it is that the RPM scriptlets are very very limited in what they can do. Trying to do something clever inside an RPM scriptlet is almost never wise. The key thing to remember is that the scriptlet has to be able to be run during the OS install phase (back when upgrades were actually supported by the OS installer that is now known as anaconda). Quoting this introductory section:
We have an answer we really like: yum-post-transaction-actions. Great plugin... and it will do whatever you want... like, say: sed -i s/sbin/shutdown/bin/false/ /etc/apcupsd/apccontrol
mark "and are there three, or six, servers plugged ino the rackmount UPS? Yes."