On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 11:25:50 -0700 Florin Andrei florin@andrei.myip.org wrote:
Frank Cox wrote:
On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 10:48:10 -0700 Florin Andrei florin@andrei.myip.org wrote:
It's an awful editor. I wish I could hire the person who came up with the user interface, only to have the satisfaction of having him/her fired five minutes later. With no severance package.
Viewed in the context of the time when it was originally created, it's a work of genius. There's a reason why it became the default text editor on Unix systems.
I don't deny that.
You did above. Bill Joy invented vi, by the way. You might want to read about his accomplishments sometime.
Interlaced video, at the time it was invented, was a great idea. Now it's a huge harassment for anyone doing video processing.
Interlaced video is very useful to "extend" the apparent bandwidth of an analog video stream, and that's useful in many applications, both today and tomorrow. Remember, everything doesn't revolve around the television in your living room and the monitor on your desk.
The steam engine was a huge step forward - a few hundred years ago. And look at it now.
In view of the fact that a nuclear reactor is basically a big steam engine, I fail to see your point....