Barry Brimer wrote:
I believe he means that he is only greylisting incoming email when the server is listed in spamhaus. All other mail comes through without being greylisted (resulting in normal delivery times)
Exactly so.
Would you mind explaining how are you implementing this?
First, I'm using exim. No particular reason for this other than I know how to use it and even after many years hacking sendmail, I still find it easier to work with exim :) Now if I just had the time to get exim to play nicely with vpopmail...
For the greylisting I'm using greylistd, which comes as an RPM for RHEL4 from ATrpms. The initial whitelist file is in the docs installed with the RPM. You probably need it installed so you don't get problems with Yahoo Groups and the like.
My config is a bit tortuous because of various things I'm doing with the server, but I started off from the details here:
You can't just cut'n'paste that into the exim config, but it's a reasonable place to start. If you're in need of more clues, I can write up what I did in a couple of days time.