Hi everyone,

Great thread.  Thanks to all for their input!  

Bryan asks a good question about whether we are looking for a full SNMP tool.  Actually, we have some pretty big systems that already handle those functions.  For this project, we are just looking for ping-type "is it up or down" information on a "subset of the overall network."

It looks like Jacob's recommendation for Mon could be spot on.  But, that being said, OpenNMS and Zabbix look pretty cool and worth a look (possibly for other projects with more complex needs).  Re a script, I was going to do something like that if I couldn't get anything here :-)  but I was trying to avoid having to add in the "don't send and email every time it checks during a prolonged outage" (just send at the beginning and maybe the end).

Let me know if folks think of other ideas.

Thanks again,

On 9/22/05, Todd Reed <treed@astate.edu> wrote:
I previously used Nagios and because of the painful configurations, I found
OpenNMS.  It does all I need and more, being more easier than Nagios.  It
uses PostgreSQL and runs on top of Tomcat4.

Here is how I installed OpenNMS and it's prereqs.  It's rough, but it works.

Installing Java and Tomcat