On 6/7/2011 11:22 AM, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Timothy Murphy wrote:
Right, I just looked it up, and I see it's an ADSL modem. Look at your IP address, and I'll bet you're 192.168.0.x, or 192.168.1.x. Whatever it is, try pinging 192.168.[0 or 1].1. Whichever it is, pull up your browser, and point it to that IP, and you should be at the modem's web interface, and you can go from there.
Or, assuming that it hands out a DHCP address with a default gateway (and the modem/NAT unit is acting as the default gateway):
a) Look for the default route (indicated as the line starting with for IPv4)
# route -n UG
b) Look at the dhclient.leases file. This can be hit or miss, depending on whether you can find the proper section. Other distros put it in a slightly different location.
/var/lib/dhclient/dhclient.leases lease { interface "eth1"; fixed-address; option subnet-mask; option routers; option dhcp-lease-time 3600; option dhcp-message-type 5; option domain-name-servers; option dhcp-server-identifier; option domain-name "lan.example.org"; renew 3 2009/4/8 11:57:39; rebind 3 2009/4/8 12:21:03; expire 3 2009/4/8 12:28:33; }
c) Or the "ip" command.
$ ip route list default via dev eth0 proto static
(Guessing about IP addresses gets harder in a few years once IPv6 finally goes mainstream.)