On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 7:05 AM, John R Pierce <pierce@hogranch.com> wrote:
hadi motamedi wrote:
> Thank you for your reply . So the only way is cloning his hard disk .
> Am I right?

I'd consider using dump to dump each ext3fs file system, then use
'restore' to restore each of these dumps to appropriately sized file
systems for the new target system.   the source system should be shut
down to single user mode, and all file systems umounted except / when
you do this.      you can pipe the output of the dump to a ssh command
to write the dump to drive on a remote system. for instance...

   # dump -0uv /dev/sda2 | ssh root@target -c "restore -rf -  /mnt/var"

where /dev/sda2 is the /var file system on the local system, and
/mnt/var is the temporary home of the new disk, freshly formatted, with
the new /usr mounted as /mnt/usr

of course, you repeat this for each file system on the source system.
See the man pages for dump and restore.  Don't forget to install the
grub boot loader on this new disk, then move it to the target hardware,
which presumably is near identical to the original system.

CentOS mailing list

Thank you for your reply . Can you please help me on the real scenario , as the followings?
My local(source) CentOS server @
My remote CentOS client @
On the local system :
#df -m
Filesystem              Mounted on
/dev/hda3                 /
/dev/hda1                 /boot
tmpfs                      /dev/shm
On the local system , issue the followings to make client and server as identical :
#dump -0uvf - /dev/hda3 | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /"
#dump -0uvf - /dev/hda1 | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /boot"
#dump -0uvf - /dev/shm | ssh root@ -c "restore -rf - /tmpfs"
Can you please confirm if my understanding is right?