Think I did this a while back with yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" (there's a few different ones if gnome isn't your bag). You may need to do "X Window System" as well, but don't think I it sorted that out for me.

On 11/17/06, Ralph Angenendt <> wrote:
Aravind gv wrote:
>    Hi All,
>    First of all thanks to Centos Team for making a Centos-Server-CD. Its very
>    handy it made my life easy.
>    Now i have a small  problem i want to have X on the installed box from
>    Centos-Server CD. How can i update from Yum or wht are the packages i need
>    to install to start X.

You might want to take a look at the "group" commands of yum (or
generally at some yum documentation):

< >


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