On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 6:29 AM, Phil Schaffner P.R.Schaffner@ieee.org wrote:
On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 11:42 AM, Lanny Marcus lmmailinglists@gmail.com wrote:
discovered rpm.org and will do some online reading about RPM there.
Long ago on a planet far away... (-: or was that near the beginning of this thread? :-) checkinstall was mentioned.
By you and I installed it, shortly after I read your post. Thanks!
less /usr/share/doc/checkinstall-1.6.0/README less /usr/share/doc/checkinstall-1.6.0/FAQ checkinstall --help
May be a moot point given other recent posts in the thread, but for creating an RPM from scratch see: http://genetikayos.com/code/repos/rpm-tutorial/trunk/rpm-tutorial.html
Thank you for that link. I will read it later.
If a spec file is included then "rpmbuild -ta tarballname.tgz" may work.
If that's all it takes, with a spec file, easy.
As you probably know, when I looked at the contents of the tarball yesterday, it was a lot of JRE stuff. No source, no spec file. When I need something that isn't packaged and I try to roll my first package, I need at least the Binary and hopefully the Source. Open Source :-)
Rolling your own RPM if a spec file is not included in the tarball is an exercise left for the student RPM builder.
I did some reading yesterday of a book about RPM on rpm.org and writing a spec file looks like something that may involve a lot of trial and especially error, to get it correct.
With regard to the UPS, will look into nuts and apcupds more when I can, to see if I can figure out how to configure them for this UPS. We still have one Tripp Lite UPS that works, so I need to get their SW and see if it will shutdown that box.