On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 06:56:01PM +0200, przemolicc@poczta.fm wrote:
one of our developers is developing his Web applications (PHP-based+MySql) on 64-bit Fedora. He would like to use the same, 64-bit environment on CentOS. I am not against 64-bits (we use it for many, many years using Solaris) but what concerns me is the stability of 64-bit Linux. Can you share your experience regarding stability of 32-bit and 64-bit CentOS ? Does anybody use 64-bit CentOS in production (web applications) environment ?
Thank you all for your answers. It seems that stability of 64-bit CentOS is not an issue.
However, to continune this discussion, could you please explain why did you switch to 64-bit environment ? If you have databases and want to use buffer cache bigger then 4GB it is clear for me. In other words 64-bit for databases is perfect solution (unless your requirements for database cache are really small). But how about other environments like web servers, fileservers, application servers ? Why did you switch do 64-bit ? What did you gain (from technical point of view) ?
Regards Przemyslaw Bak (przemol) -- http://przemol.blogspot.com/
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