On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:18 PM, Joseph L. Casale JCasale@activenetwerx.com wrote:
I wish I had one of my cards running, but just looking at the syntax, from my experience running this app, I would say you need to do: # MegaCli -AdpPRSetDelay -Val33 -a0 if you wanted 33 hours :) What are you trying to change it to anyway? Is the value sane?
+ /home/drew/bin/MegaCli -AdpPRSetDelay -Val168 -a0 ^MInvalid input at or near token -AdpPRSetDelay
Hmm. It didn't like that either!
I'm just trying to figure out the command syntax. And writing some utility scripts.
-AdpPRSetDelay -Val is just the first command in the manual that sets a value, and there is neither a specification of the syntax for -Val, nor an example command using -Val
Will probably leave the -AdpPRSetDelay at 168 But I still need the syntax for setting -Val in other commands.
I bet you didn't learn the syntax from the manual. I'll bet you inherited some scripts from someone else, and learned by tweaking working scripts.