On Fri, 2011-12-09 at 19:01 -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:
Let's go ahead and get this flame thread started now to save time.
The CentOS team sucks ... it took XXXX days to do 6.1 ... it is going to take twice as long to get 6.2
My mom said CentOS blows.
kbsingh is ugly.
hughesjr is old and fat.
OK ... that should do.
come on Johnny, there are still plenty of people that appreciate the work you guys do and are happy to see 6.1 released. Please give us first a chance to say "thank you so much!"
I understand that it is frustrating to release CentOS 6.1 right after RedHat release 6.2 so you can't even allow yourself to relax a bit (and knowing you guys you HAVE to keep up, not because of the complainer, but because of your pride in what you are doing and its results).
Thanks for the work on 6.1!