64-bit flash is here, well alpha stage:
Here is what I did:
yum remove flash-plugin
mozilla-plugin-config -i -f -v (might not be necessary)
Deleted this one /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so
placed libflashplayer.so (64-bit from adobe) in /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins
Restarted firefox (64)
When to you tube and watched a video
On Sat, Jul 26, 2008 at 12:59 PM, Lanny Marcus <lmmailinglists@gmail.com> wrote:No, why would I do that?
> Good luck with that! Have you tried it on a VMWare Server?
I uninstalled nspluginwrapper and mplayerplug-in reinstalled the
64-bit Seamonkey, then reinstalled all the plugins. Everything is
installed and working EXCEPT nppdf.so (the Adobe Read plugin) and
Adobe's flash plugin - they're all in the right places, there are
nswrappers for 32_64 and 64_64 for both of them in the plugin-wrapper
directory, but they neither register nor work in the browser.
I have run mozilla-plugin-config several times, and it lists both of
these plugins, but they don't show up in the About Plugins and they
don't work.
What next?
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