At 10:50 AM 11/15/2012, you wrote:
david wrote:
The Centos installation I chose was the "NetInstall". The installation process identified eth0, I selected IPV4 DHCP, disabled IPV6, and successfully completed the install of "desktop" using the wired connection through my home network. The wireless was turned off. The ethernet controller shows up in Windows with the name "Intel 8255LM".
When the reboot occurred after installation, the Ethernet did not work. The "ifconfig eth0" command showed no IP address. Where do I go from here?
Hi, david. First question: does the laptop have a physical switch on the side that turns on/off wifi, the way Dells do?
Try an lspci, and see if it shows.
If it does, wireless will be wlan0, usually. Why your wired ethernet's not working - look at dmesg and/or /var/log/messages, and see if the driver was loaded. Next, look at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, and see if ifcfg-eth0 is turned on at boot.
Thanks for the hints, Mark. Here's what I found...
Wireless has no "physical" switch, but something I think is pretty much the same. There's a lighted button above the keyboard which, I think, is interpreted directly by the bios. It shows "off", and does change when pressed. It is set off, which I suppose means that the radio is off.
The system does show both eth0 and wlan0, both as options during the net-install, and also in the "ifconfig" response.
Strangely, when I tried the install again just now, and selected "Desktop" (instead of "Minimal Desktop" as I did last time), all worked properly. Ethernet works. Perhaps the problem is that "minimal desktop" didn't include the ethernet drivers?
I guess I withdraw my complaint.