Am 14.10.2014 um 21:29 schrieb Johnny Hughes
On 10/14/2014 01:29 PM, Robert Arkiletian wrote:
I found this bug fix report
I thought we were not able to get Chromium for C6. Apparently it looks like the work has been already done.
Is it possible we (hi Johnny) can get this package into C6? This would be a wonderful addition to CentOS 6. Please and thank you.
They (Red Hat) do not release the Supplemental packages, usually because they can't. (IE, Sun/Oracle Java, Flash, etc.)
This is usually because the sources are not completely open or there is a license issue for distribution or a payment required for support, etc.
Red Hat enters into an agreement with said vendors (as required) to be able to distribute said packages only to paying customers.
But, I'll see what I can find out.
-- LF