On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 04:46:34PM +0100, Gary Stainburn wrote:
Hi all,
I can't believe that I can't find the answer to this one. I have a perl script which is called by xinetd.
I want that perl script to be able to detect the remote IP address of the caller.
I presumed that it would be an environment variable but I could be wrong. I've found reference to the ENV and PASSENV arguments for xinetd.conf but no examples, and no indication of what auguments to use.
In my script I have the following code:
foreach (keys %ENV) { print "$_=$ENV{$_}\n";}
but the only line I get back is:
I don't believe that xinetd tells the underlying processes anything about IPs, since xinetd handles the network connection and as far as the process is concerned, it's just filehandles.