Ray Leventhal wrote:
Hi all,
I perform a nightly snapshot of /home to a USB attached drive scheduled via cron. The system is CentOS 5.2 and only gets attached to the internet periodically for updates, otherwise serves as a samba server to about 20 Windows clients.
The rsync command being used is: rsync -av --delete /home/ /media/bkup320G/ and has been working well until a few days ago.
Starting with a few days ago, my nightly rsync/cron emails included some errors as shown here:
rsync: mkstemp "/media/bkup320G/cprcvs/c/Projects/WindowApps/DLL/HMRControlDLL/.CMDSettingsDialog.cpp,v.I5QnaM" failed: Read-only file system (30) rsync: failed to set times on "/media/bkup320G/cprcvs/c/Projects/WindowApps/DLL/PSIControlDLL": Read-only file system (30)
Getting any IO errors in the kernel log? Maybe the USB disk is going offline occasionally.