Please verify the network cable from centos or switch port(broken or vlan).

Joćo Rodrigues

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 9:34 PM, Gary Greene <> wrote:
On 4/8/10 1:26 PM, "David Lemcoe" <> wrote:
> Checked the firewall, and set the static IP.
> Anyone have an idea what the limitations put forth by 2003 would be?

First, please stop top posting. This list has rules about that....

Second, can you ping _from the managed switch handling the NAT_ to the
CentOS box? Additionally, is it only DNS resolution that has an issue? (Try
testing this by attempting to ping or another well known server via
IP only...).

Gary L. Greene, Jr.
IT Operations
Minerva Networks, Inc.
Cell:  (650) 704-6633
Phone: (408) 240-1239

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