On 9/2/2021 10:28 PM, Simon Matter wrote:
There is one thing that I couldn't find a solution for no matter what I tried: When the root/boot disk of the guest is being resized, it's not possible to modify and reread the new partition table without reboot.
I'm curious to know if this works for you. Suppose /dev/sda is the boot disk. Determine the highest number primary partition in use on the drive. Let's say it's 3.
# growpart /dev/sda 3
In addition, you might try
# printf "F\n" | parted ---pretend-input-tty -l
I have these in an Ansible playbook for creating CentOS 7 and Ubuntu Focal VMs. They require cloud-int (for growpart) and gdisk. Note: growpart doesn't work if the highest partition is not a primary partition, i.e., greater than 4.